
Get quote

We have our own machinery and it allows us to find solutions tailored to each application.

Request an on-site presentation, video conference, or a shipping of detail free of charge. Our customer service team will explain to you exactly how we work and how we price orders.

Contact us +48 85 733 9000


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We have our own machinery and it allows us to find solutions tailored to each application.

Our customer service team will explain to you exactly how we work and how we price orders.

100 mm


300 mm


600 mm




Learn more

We have our own machinery and it allows us to find solutions tailored to each application.

    Request an on-site presentation, video conference, or a shipping of detail free of charge. Our customer service team will explain to you exactly how we work and how we price orders.

    Contact us +48 85 733 9000
    Taniej testuj serie produkcyjne

    Test production series cheaply

    Do you work in R&D and introduce a new product to market?

    Are you testing possible design solutions?

    Testing a series of details using 3D printing is an excellent method

    to support research, development, and design processes for products, machinery, and equipment.

    Taniej testuj serie produkcyjne

    Production of such details does not incur start-up costs. Any constructional change does not influence the order execution time or the price of starting the production process. You only pay for cm3 of each detail, and you can receive your order in 3 working days. Implement your ideas faster, more flexibly, and more economically.

    Name and version


    Price per detail


    Bracket v1


    78,95 PLN

    4 working days

    Bracket v2


    61,88 PLN

    4 working days

    Bracket v3


    39,74 PLN

    3 working days

    Suggested technologies

    Learn more about our materials

    We have a wide section of materials that we use to make parts. We will find the one that best suits your needs.

    Co nas wyróżnia?

    Mamy własny park maszynowy

    Mamy własny
    park maszynowy

    Realizujemy zamówienia nawet w 3 dni

    Realizujemy zamówienia
    nawet w 3 dni

    Chcemy zrozumieć Twoje potrzeby biznesowe

    Chcemy zrozumieć
    Twoje potrzeby biznesowe

    Jesteśmy otwarci i transparentni

    Jesteśmy otwarci
    i transparentni

    Mamy lata doświadczenia w branży

    Mamy lata
    doświadczenia w branży

    Klienci zostają z nami na długo.

    Klienci zostają z nami na długo

    Taniej testuj serie produkcyjne

    Our customer service team will explain to you exactly
    how we work and how we price orders.
    We will advise you which technologies and materials suit your needs best.

    Contact us +48 85 733 9000